grow edges

Hey curly family! I’m back and excited about edges today! No, I’m not a pro at making art with my edges, but what I am good at is growing my edges.


Yup, I want to show you how to grow them while you sleep. That’s right!
I’m all about retention and the best way to get that is by having a routine in place for your hair at night.

Now I get it most of us are busy and that’s why we protective style because natural hair can be too much. Well, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be.

My natural hair routine consists of two parts. Protecting the style and my edges.

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My nighttime routine

    1. Depending on what my style, that will determine if I need my edges done. However, 9.8/10 my edges are being finessed. I usually start off with parting my hair to reveal my edges and flat two strand twist them to my scalp.

I do this by separating my hair in half and then returning to the front of my hair and creating a line from the center part and creating a part behind my ears (see pic below). I then cover my edges with a batch of already mixed olive oil, JBCO, and Rosemary Coconut & Shea with essential oils.




2.  The next part of my routine is to separate my hair into a protective style for sleep or reversing my original hair design to hold it in place as I sleep through the night.

For example, if I had a twist out for that day, I’d gently re-twist my hair to hold that style in place for the night.

Once everything is complete I cover my hair with my her given hair satin protective headband.

Remember retention is what you want when you wake in the am. So protect it at night.

Sleep well,

tiffnicole sig


*All items were personally selected based on personal opinion. None of this content is sponsored.


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