Wearing your natural curls comes with amazing benefits. Some styles require additional work like Bantu knots, braids or twist-outs. But others are a “wake up and go” look like an afro or wash & go.
But have you ever thought about wearing your natural hair as a statement or even an accessory? Well, I have! I’ve come up with 3 ways to wear your natural hair that’ll leave you thankful you went Team Natural.
Eye Candy
Whether you’re rocking a TWA (Teenie Weenie Afro) or a head full of tight zigzag coiled 4C hair (or 4D if it existed) you’re sure to grab endless stares on any given day. (pinterest html )
No Bad Hair Days
Whether it’s a cold snowy day or hot and humid, every day can be a natural curly bomb AH hair day. With water, oil, and an afro pick you can have some stylish hairstyles that are sure to knock out any bad hair day. The revolution of the terms bad hair has natural hair looking good! There’s no such thing as a bad-hair-day with being natural.

The first thing people notice generally is your face and hair. Have you ever used your hair as an accessory? No, why not? Using your hair as an accessory to an outfit is just as fun as picking out your favorite makeup at Sephora, or a pair of earrings at the nearest Nordstrom’s. I mean who wouldn’t want hair that defies gravity?
I had never thought about accessorizing my hair until recently when I attended a wedding and used my faux locks as my addition to my outfit.
This method added not only dimension but a free flowing island feel to my summer floral outfit. Plus purchased it for a steal at Buckle so I couldn’t wait to add some simple touches to the already appealing outfit.

My go-to outfit for a night out on the town is to accessorize my hair, making a slick back afro ponytail that’s been overpicked (with my fist pick) stunt with a pair of boyfriend jeans and an over-sized shirt with a pair of booties or open toe heels.
So it’s your turn, how do you accessorize your hair? Do you like shells in your hair? Embrace all the glory that comes with wearing your natural hair and make some hair magic today!
(Fist raised),