How to make time for Breakfast Like a Boss


Busy days come and go for me, and I’m sure they do for you too. With that I’m sure we’ve all heard of the saying, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

However, the part that many misunderstand is, it’s not so much about the time you eat breakfast, but more about what you eat to break your fast. For starters eating a greasy fatty sandwich from a donut shop or fancy frappuccino alongside a croissant is not the way.

Most of my mornings tend to be a grab and go breakfast along with my morning shake. So since I am a sucker for healthy foods the choice was easy this time, I had a parfait already prepared. 

No, not the overpriced ones in the supermarket. I mean a fresh yogurt parfait made with layers of bright colored plump strawberries, Dairy-free yogurt and crunchy granola a recipe from my newly purchased book Everyday Vegan by Good Housekeeping. 

This book is filled with countless recipes that can be made the night before, then placed  in the  refrigerator and be ready to reheat the next morning if needed. The beauty of prepping breakfast the night before or even two nights before is it will cut down on unnecessary spending habits. I get it no one likes to eat the same boring food.

As an American it seems we often eat for comfort, making it extremely hard to curve this bad habit. No sweat- it can be done! Another option you can try when breakfast prepping, is purchasing a few meal prep containers. This way your breakfast meals can be neatly packed and accessible in your fridge.

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For example, on page 24 of their recipe book, there’s a Whole Grain Carrot Cake Muffin to die for. Whipping up a batch of these muffins and pairing them with one of the breakfast smoothies on page 26 the following morning is not only genius but, it’s easy and delicious.

Ok back to this  mouthwatering parfait. So parfait’s happen to be one of my favorite and easiest ways to make a breakfast snack. They’re so convenient and can be made in a matter of minutes. Honestly, they’re like glorified vitamins in a jar. Literally!

For example adding fruits rich in purple are great for fighting cell-damaging free radicals, cancer, heart health, and persons dealing with high blood pressure and obesity. Or immune boosting colors like reds and greens can be added to parfaits as well.


So for this busy day I decided to make two parfaits very similar to the example in the book. I used fresh strawberries, my choice of Coconut Dairy-free yogurt, and a nut and granola mix. 

This parfait was full of flavor and was perfect to eat in  between my errands.

You see you can have your cake and ice-cream (haha). In all honesty there’s no sense in using your whole dollar if you’re not going to eat whole foods. The choice is simple make time for breakfast like a Boss and eat to your health!

Would you like a better breakfast? Are you always eating on the go? Drop a line below in the comments section with what healthy choices you typically eat or want to eat when on the go.

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